Freelance Writers Academy


5 Twitter Tools To Enhance Your Marketing

Posted on May 5, 2013 at 6:40 AM

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms making it a goldmine for those who can market their products and services effectively. Here are the top 5 Twitter tools to enhance your marketing and develop your customer base:


This application will allow users to handle multiple tasks in order to meet all your needs for marketing through Twitter. Here you will be able to handle multiple Twitter accounts all at the same time. Through Tweetr, you can upload photos and videos and even find addresses, which you cannot do with Twitter alone. Other awesome features include syncing all your devices and shortening URLs. It will save your progress exactly where you are should you need to take a phone call or switch to another app. The best thing that users of this app have discovered is in scheduling tweets. Users can write several tweets at one time and arrange for those tweets to be posted throughout the day and at the times that they are most likely to be viewed. The app is available for purchase for only $3.99.


This free desktop browser helps you keep track of multiple Twitter accounts. It also allows you to easily publish and track RSS feeds through Google Analytics. It will also help you keep track of traffic to your websites. Other features include account updating and conversation management that includes direct messaging. Marketers will find handy the built-in URL shortening program. For those who have a hard time keeping their tweets under the maximum 140 characters, the TweetShrink feature in TweetDeck will be a lifesaver. It also easily allows users to follow their favorite topics through saved searches. Through TweetDeck, social media marketers can share, watch, and record video clips through YouTube. Images can also be shared as this application supports mobypicture, Twitgo, and flickr.


This free tool is designed to help manage several Twitter accounts at one time with one single login. Monitor keywords and brands through its search feature. Its workflow management system is its best feature. Whenever there is a response to an @ response is delivered to a Twitter account, it can be assigned to someone listed on its task feature for response.


This application utilizes a browser-based dashboard for Twitter account management. The interface is similar to that of email. Here marketers can create and manage groups. Private and public tags can be attached to users of t=other social media sites outside of Twitter as well. Marketers can collect metadata and grow their network by identifying and connecting with the top influences in social media.


This application will help you maximize your visibility through allowing you to load customized tweets you want your readers to be able to share. It works differently than the regular Retweet function. When a person clicks on your tweet, it automatically adds it to that person's status box. It allows for more content to be shared concerning the tweet then just the usual title of the topic that is being shared.

Categories: Social Media Tools

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Reply Angela Rose Weber
02:06 AM on June 07, 2013 
I'm a horrible tweeter. I bave an account, but I've never known how to fully take advantage of it. Mainly I just don't have time to sit there all day and monitor my feed.

Tweetr sounds like an excellent app that I would most definitely use. I have used tweetdeck, back in my RPG days I found it helpful but also annoying, and was constantly having to shut off all the notifications. I could see it being very useful for business though. :)
Reply Valerie Bordeau
10:34 AM on June 13, 2013 
The best thing to do is try out different applications and see what works best for you. No app is a one size fits all.